Name: Dreadnaught IPA
Style: Imperial IPA
Brewery: Three Floyds Brewing Co. website
Country: USA
Region: Munster, Indiana
ABV: 9.5% Abv
How served: 22oz capped bomber poured into a Duvel Tulip glass.
I paired this beer with: A peach champagne sorbet. I was in Italy for a week and had pistachio gelato every day and was craving some more, but this was the closest thing I had to pistachio gelato in the house (they both start with “p” and are cold and creamy). Anyway this was an amazingly great pairing!
Tasted on: Monday May 3rd, 2010.
Note: This beer has a nice nose with a hint of mango and citrus. The taste was sweeter then I was expecting for a Double IPA, I was prepared for a big hop “bite” but this was both sweet and bitter at the same time, if that is possible (like Hopslam). This was an exceptional well balanced beer which I could drink all night long…well except that it is 9.5%abv, which by the way was very well hidden. I need to obtain some more of this beauty.
On the Label: same as from their website
From their website 9.5% ABV 99 IBUs. A hophead’s dream beer. This Imperial India Pale Ale has an opening salvo of mango, peach and citrus hop aromas that sit atop a pronounced caramel malt backbone. Although Dreadnaught is a strong and intensely hoppy ale, its complex flavor is both smooth and memorable.
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