Name: Saison D’Erezée – Printemps
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewery: Brasserie Fantôme website.
Country: Belgium
Region: Soy
ABV: 8.0% Abv
How served: 750ml capped & corked bottle poured into a boerken / boerinneken tulip.
I paired this beer with: Tilapia Mediterranean. This was a very good pairing as this beers refreshing and light citrus flavors mingled well with the light flavor of the tilapia and the mild saltiness from the olives and capers.
Tasted on: Thursday September 16th, 2010
Note: As the cork was pulled out of the bottle a low hiss was heard. The beer poured a translucent golden yellow with a large 2 finger head with very active medium sized carbonated bubbles coming off the bottom of the glass. The head dissipated rather quickly and left a thin lacing on the glass. The nose was all about citrus, leaning heavy on the lemon side with a mild funkiness. The taste was mostly sweet lemon citrus up front, then a bite from some lemon zest to complement the sweetness. Not much sour or funkiness in this Fantôme just pure enjoyment. The mouthfeel was light and refreshing with just the right about of carbonation. The drinkability was amazing, this is one of the most refreshing beers that I have had in a very long time and not a hint of the 8% abv, heck you would think you were drinking an alcohol free beer, that is until you finished the bottle. I would say this is a great beer to have NOT in the spring time but in the middle of the hot summer to help you cool down.
On the Label: Fantôme is a classic artisanal farmhouse brewery in the heart of the Ardennes forest. It’s brews are in the robust, flavorful ‘saison’ style, and are often made with unusual spices, herbs and other mysterious ingredients that recall the early days of Belgian brewing. Brewer Dany Prignon is known for his regular “Fantôme” saison (rated a perfect 10 in a recent book on Belgian brewing) and for the creative and adventurous brews he makes to mark each of the four seasons. The recipes, with special ingredients to evoke the particular season, changes every year, but don’t ask what makes them so tasty… the Fantôme never gives up its secrets.
From their website: SAISON d’EREZEE : à l’inverse d’autres brasseries, nous créons des bières de type
“Saison”, variant en fonction de celles-ci ! … Nous avons donc sous l’appellation
“Saison d’Erezée” (notre commune) diverses bières aromatisées avec du tilleul, de la camomille, du jus de pomme, ou encore du genévrier,… il y a donc une bière de Printemps, Automne, etc… Toutes différentes… Le degré d’alcool pouvant varier de 6 à 9 %
Translated into English reads: SEASON of EREZEE: contrary to other breweries, we create beers of the type of “Season”, variable according to those! … We thus have under name “Season of Erezée” (our commune) various beers aromatized with lime, chamomile, juice of apple, or of juniper,… they are thus a beer of Spring, Fall, etc… All different…
The alcohol content can vary from 6 to 9%
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