Name: Sea Monster
Style: Imperial Stout
Brewery: Ballast Point Brewing Company. website
Country: USA
Region: San Diego, California
ABV: 10.0 % Abv
How served: 22oz capped bottle poured into a De Struise Brouwers glass.
I paired this beer with: Nothing today. I had this as an after dinner drink.
Tasted on: Monday April 4th, 2011
Note: This beer has been sitting in my cellar for well over a year. Most of the bitterness from the hops in this beer has disappeared and the coffee notes have mellowed a bit. In my opinion I liked this brew aged better than fresh. As a result I upgraded my Overall Opinion from a Very Good to an Amazing because of the aging.
This beer poured a near black with a fluffy 2 finger tan head which hung around until I was half way finished with my glass and left a minimal lacing on the glass. The nose was all coffee, chocolate and roasted malts. The taste initial tasted reminded me of a Kahlua and Cream as the rich thick sweetness of this oatmeal stout and the coffee hit me first. Then the chocolate kicked in and this beer morphed into a delicious mocha drink, delicious! This beer had a medium to think creamy mouthfeel which was silky on the tongue. This beer is a great as an after dinner drink and the 10% abv was very well hidden. Like most beer of this style make sure you don’t drink it too cold. Let this warm up to 50-55 degrees before you drink this and you will not be disappointed. I’m looking forward to having this one again!
On the Label: From the deep dark depths of our Brewmaster’s imagination comes this rich and monstrous oatmeal stout. Our Sea Monster embodies all that the true dark beer aficionado will appreciate; roasted coffee notes, with hints of bittersweet chocolate and currant flavors all brought together by a perfect hop balance.
Don’t fear the Monster!
Our Robust Series gives all beer lovers an opportunity to try our most rare beers, previously available only on draft at select tap houses. Enjoy!
Get the Point!