Name: Cuvée Delphine
Style: Russian Imperial Stout
Brewery: De Struise Brouwers. website
Country: Belgium
Region: Oostvleteren
ABV: 13.0 % Abv
How served: 330 ml capped bottle poured into a De Struise glass.
I paired this beer with: After dinner drink, no food pairing is needed with this beer.
Tasted on: Monday April 11th, 2011
Notes: This beer poured an almost pure black and opaque, with a thick 2 finger dark tan head on a very slow pour. There was very little lacing left on my glass when I was done. The smell was of chocolate, roasted malts/coffee, dark fruits and hints of the bourbon barrels this was aged in and oak. The taste started off mildly sweet with cherries, roasted coffee, licorice and a bit of cocoa. Near the finish I picked up mild bourbon flavors from the 4 Roses Barrels and ended mildly bitter. This beer had a medium creamy mouthfeel with a moderate level of carbonation. The drinkability was very good especially since this is a 13% abv brew with the alcohol level not very noticeable. This was extremely well balance as the bourbon was not over the top in this well blended brew. I prefer this over the base beer Black Albert. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the Label: Vintage 2009 Lot: BR26.230.610 Best Before 15 07 2015
Black Albert was used in a new barrel aging project. More than a year ago, Carlo was able to get his hands on a stock of Four Roses Bourbon barrels, and we happily filled them up with Batch “0”. This unique creation was originally to be named 4 Black Roses in honour of its heritage, but our friends in Kentucky strongly advised us not to do so! What to do? As the disowned offspring of Black Albert, the name Cuvée Delphine imposed itself. Savouring the Belgian irony, we are most honoured to have the by Delphine Boël shining on this label. You will not find this ale all over the globe. There is no export program, but we will try to provide stock through our web shop and some specialty beer pubs.
Art Work on the label is: Blue Sky, Vicious Rumor.