Beer #169 Weihenstephan Vitus

Weihenstephaner Vitus

Name: Vitus

Style:  Weizenbock

Brewery: Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan  website

Country: Germany

Region:   Freising

ABV: 7.7 % Abv

How served:  500ml capped bottle poured into a Sierra Nevada wheat beer glass.

My Overall Opinion:  Amazing

I paired this beer with:  a bag of Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips, yummy!!!

Tasted on:  Sunday May 8, 2011

Notes: The beer poured a cloudy light gold with a massive 5 finger white head on a very slow pour. The foam hung around for a longtime leaving a nice lacing on my glass.

The nose was of bananas, cloves, bubblegum and citrus.

The taste was of spicy pepper and cloves, banana and coriander as well as wheat bread; this beer was crisp and refreshing.

The  mouthfeel of a medium body with some nice warmth from the alcohol.

The drinkability of excellent.

This is one of the best Weizenbocks I’ve tasted & will be looking forward to enjoying a few more as we head into the summer months.  Prost!

On the Label:  Brewed Under the Purity Law of 1516.      7.7% alc/vol.       Store Dark and Keep Cool 46° – 52° F

 From their websiteA light-coloured, spicy single-bock wheat beer, for both beer lovers and the beer connoisseur.  Extra long and cold storage in our monastery cellars makes this single-bock a really special beer with full body and a distinctively great mouthfeel. Prost!

Original wort: 16.5% by weight

Bitter value: 17

Alcohol content: 7.7% by vol.

Calories: 260 kcal/0.5l