Today was the GRAND OPENING of the Funky Buddha Homebrew Store (located directly next door to the Brewery) and the release of their highly anticipated Imperial Maple Bacon Coffee Porter.
The regular version of the Maple Bacon was at one time the number one buzz beer in America on beeradvocate.com and remains the number one American Porter. It was also the number one sweet stout on ratebeer.com. Their Imperial Version comes in at 10.5%ABV! The Grand Opening of the store and the release of the Imperial Version was at 3:00pm today with a special 2:00pm preview for their Snifter members.

Along with the Imperial Maple Bacon Coffee Porter, they tapped some other rare and specialty Buddha Brews like the Bourbon Oaked Aged Nikolai Vorlauf (Imperial Stout), Vanilla Espresso Porter, Pineapple Hop Gun, No Crusts PB&J Brown Ale, Nib Smuggler, Blueberry Cobbler, Raspberry Wheat and others.
Besides Wide Awake It’s Morning I also tried today the Pineapple Hop Gun & the Bourbon Oaked Aged Nikolai Vorlauf. Both were spectacular and I especially enjoyed the Pineapple Hop Gun.
Now for my Review of Wide Awake It’s Morning
Name: Wide Awake It’s Morning. (aka Imperial Maple Bacon Coffee Porter)
Style: Imperial Porter (my best guess or Imperial Stout) ??
Brewery: The Funky Buddha Lounge & Brewery. Website
Country: USA
Region: Boca Raton, Florida
ABV: 10.5% abv
How served: 10 oz pour from the tap into my Bon Beer Voyage snifter member Funky Buddha Lounge & Brewery snifter glass.
I paired this beer with: Nothing.
Tasted on: Sunday June 26, 2011
Notes: This is the Imperial version of their Maple Bacon Coffee Porter. Today was the official release of this beer. Besides what was poured on tap, only a total of 50 bottles were released to snifter members
This beer pours a dark brown, almost black with a very thin layer of beige foam.
The nose was what you would expect from the name, roasted coffee, maple and hints of smoked bacon.
The taste was a little more intense than the nose, with the roasted coffee and the maple sharing equally as the stars of this brew and the smoked bacon playing second fiddle. This beer was well balanced with it not being too sweet, which you might have expected from the maple.
This beer had a medium to thick mouthfeel with an extremely low level of carbonation; it finished with a very pleasant slickness on the palate and a nice warmth from the alcohol.
The drinkability was excellent as it went down nice and easy for a 10.5%abv brew.
Overall, if you liked the “regular” Maple Bacon Coffee Porter, you will not want to miss this one. I liked this Imperial version better, as my palate like the balance of this one more. I hope they will be brewing this one again!!
On the Label: (Rx type label)
Pour into snifter glass Take by Mouth as Needed Daily. Buddha, MD
Rx 10042006-06262011
Qty 22 oz
Refills Mandatory
10.5% ABV. Dark Carbonated Liquid.
The Consumption of this Tasty Beverage May Impair The Ability to Drive or Operate Machinery. Use Care Until You Become Familiar with its Effects.
Check with your Friendly Bartender or Your Physician if You Are or Plan to Become Pregnant While Consuming This Beverage.
From their website: No information on this brew.