Name: Black Albert
Style: Russian Imperial Stout (Belgium Royal Stout)
Brewery: De Struise Brouwers website
Country: Belgium
Region: De Panne
ABV: 13.0%
How served: 330ml bottle poured into a St. Bernardus chalice.
My Overall Opinion: Amazing.
I paired this beer with: Nothing.
Tasted on: Tuesday November 17, 2009
Note: Batch B6BB. Very smooth and only a mild alcohol feel for 13%abv. This brew improved as it warmed in the glass.
“Early April 2007, we were honoured by the invitation from Chris Lively to attend to the EBENEZER’s PUB 3rd ANNUAL BELGIAN BEER FESTIVAL. As a tribute to Chris, we decided to create a special brew for this event. Developing a new ale is always a challenge for every brewer, especially if one is talking about a new style, BELGIAN ROYAL STOUT. This ale comes with a bitterness of 100 IBU. 160 EBU for colour, a full bodied Belgian character, and the Struise signature. Although all these extreme values, still a powerful, elegant and well balanced BELGIAN ROYAL STOUT.
Enjoy this ale, while listening to the Belgian hymn (The Brabançonne).”