Name: Improvisación
Style: Oatmeal Rye India-Style Brown Ale
Brewery: Cigar City Brewing website
Country: USA
Region: Tampa, Florida
ABV: 7.50%
How served: 750ml bottle poured into a Duvel Tulip.
I paired this beer with: my second helping on pecan pie of the day.
Tasted on: Thursday November 26, 2009
Note: Another great beer from Cigar City. I have yet to have one of their beers disappoint me. Like most of their beers I’ve tried, they tend to improve as the beer warms a bit in the glass.
“Improvisación is an all malt ale brewed with a nod to artisans everywhere who have passionately pursued their craft while embracing improvisation. This is a bottle conditioned ale. Pour gently.”