Name: Biere De Nöel
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: Big Sky Brewing Company website
Country: USA
Region: Missoula, Montana
ABV: 8.75%
How served: 750ml capped and foiled bottle poured into a Bon Secours glass.
I paired this beer with: Baked Manicotti (great pairing, yummy!)
Tasted on: Christmas eve., Thursday December 24, 2009.
Note: This was beer was made only once. This was bottle #705 of 1800 made.
I was very impressed with this beer. It was smooth, well balanced and very drinkable for a Christmas beer, or even for any beer. If some how you can still find this beer, I say stock up. I am looking forward to trying other beers from Big Sky in the future after absolutely enjoying this beer. Great beer & Merry Christmas!!!
On the Label: A strong Belgian style dark ale, Biere De Nöel is brewed in small quantities for the Holidays, hand packaged & bottled conditioned, this beer is best poured gently and enjoyed at 50° .
On my quest for at least one Christmas/Winter beer a day between Thanksgiving & Christmas, this is the last of my 29 daily x-mas beers I’ve had. I will now give my liver a day to rest on Christmas day, then…..
On Boxing day I will be sucking down a few Westvleteren 12’s, 8’s and maybe even their blonde. Then I’m going to be drinking a very sour beer, more so then the Rodenbach grand cru, their Foederbier, which you can only find at… 🙂
Merry Christmas from the BEER STOCKED REFRIGERATOR