Name: Hop Stoopid Ale
Style: Imperial IPA
Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company website
Country: USA
Region: Petaluma, California
ABV: 8.0% Abv
How served: 22 oz capped bomber poured into a Samuel Adams glass.
I paired this beer with: nothing, just your old fashion after dinner beer.
Tasted on: Thursday February 11, 2010.
Note: Hop Stoopid is a well balanced double IPA which wasn’t way over the top hoppy. This had a very nice and strong “California” hop aroma. I picked up both a grapefruit rind and pine taste. As it wasn’t extremely hoppy the drinkability factor is very high for me.
On the Label: 102 I.B.U. 4U.
“Clean this mess up or else we’ll all end up in jail…those test tubes and the scale…just get ‘em all outta here…” He was referring to the complex super-critical-CO2 hop extraction equipment set up on the table in the lab across from the brewhouse. Hop extracts are for the BIG brewers, he thought- suitable only for crummy sub-standard and barely-passable industrial lagers, not the subtle and elegant craft beer made here. But wrong he was. The New Brewer does not eschew any possible inputs. In this case the extract will replace the mountains of hop vegetative material in the kettle thus creating cleaner hop flavors and preventing the otherwise spinach-like mess of a kettle full of super-hopped wort from clogging up a pump or worse. The sensuous honey-like amber ooze was administered intravenously to the wort kettle and the sacrament was complete. Another kettle of Hop Stoopid is once again raised up and fermented on high. Call us @ 707-769-4495! Cheers!
From their website: Sold As: 22-Ounce Bombers and Kegs
Net contents: Malt, Hops, Yeast, and water
Hop Stoopid Ale: For those mornings when you have to cut right to the chase, this is the one. Sure to blast through just about anything still lingering from the night before, this mouthful of Hops and huge rich Malt has a guarantee built right into the name! Alcohol 8% by volume
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