Name: Chainsaw Ale
Style: American Strong Ale
Brewery: Left Hand Brewing Company website
Country: USA
Region: Longmont, Colorado
ABV: 9.0% Abv
How served: 22oz capped bomber poured into a Samuel Adams perfect pint glass.
I paired this beer with: Nothing.
Tasted on: Sunday May 9th, 2010.
Note: This is a “double” Sawtooth, which is Left Hand’s ESB. This beer when poured with an aggressive pour produced a nice puffy 2 finger head, which receded quickly. Now despite the nice head, this beer had a very low to no carbonation and tasted very flat for the style I was expecting. So I’m not sure if I got a “bad” bottle or not, as there was no other signs of that this beer had gone bad. Besides the low carbonation level this beer was sweeter than I would like. I would much rather have 2 Sawtooth Ales then 1 double Sawtooth.
On the Label: Many Times We’ve Heard, “More Is Not Always Better.” Invariably the person on the receiving end of such a statement scowls at the ramification. Here at Left Hand we realize that life can neither be reduced to nor understood in absolute terms. We take exception with such broad statements about the human condition. Chainsaw is a connoisseur’s version of our award-winning Sawtooth Ale, redesigned to befuddle silly generalizations about life. We hope you enjoy!
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