Name: Pere Jacques 2010
Style: Dubbel
Brewery: Goose Island Beer Co. website
Country: USA
Region: Chicago, Illinois
ABV: 8.0% Abv
How served: 22oz capped bottle poured into a Malheur glass.
I paired this beer with: Grilled salmon steaks.
Tasted on: Wednesday May 25, 2011
Notes: The beer was a hazy light reddish brown. On my first pour, which was aggressive, there was just about no head on the beer. On my second pour I had a very thin layer of an off white head & on my 3rd and last pour (above photo) I ended up with a nice fluffy 1 finger off white head. The foam on all 3 pours dissipated rather quickly leaving almost no lacing on my glass.
The nose was sweet with roasted malts, caramel, dark dried fruits and candi sugar.
The taste was very sweet and I picked up dried dark fruits and caramel, this brew finished on the drier side.
It had a mild to medium mouthfeel with too little carbonation for the style.
The drinkability was very good with a nice warmth from the alcohol.
Overall I’m glad I had a chance to try it, but I’ve had way too many better dubbels then this one. If the carbonation level was a little higher I bet that this brew would have tasted less sweet to me & I would have most likely bumped this up to a Very Good.
On the Label: Bottle date: 02/26/10 lot 1456
Abbey ale inspired by visits to Belgium. Develops in the bottle for up to 5 years
From their website:
Brewer’s Notes:
Brewed with loads of malt and Belgian yeast, Pere Jacques is a wonderfully fruity, malty ale. Pere Jacques’ complex flavors stand shoulder to shoulder with the Belgian Dubbels enjoyed in the world’s finest beer bars. At the dining table it’s the perfect alternative to a glass of vintage port.
Recipe Information:
Style: Belgian Style Abbey Ale
Alcohol by Volume: 8%
International Bitterness Units: 26
Color: Warm Molasses
Hops: Saaz
Malt: 2-Row, Wheat, Caramel, Rye Flakes, Special B
Serving Suggestions:
Preferred Glass: Wide Mouth Glass
Food Pairings: Pere Jacques pairs with a wide variety of foods, its intense flavors complement rich flavors like bittersweet chocolate or wild game and contrast with spicy flavors like curries.
Cheese Pairings: Aged Gouda, Stilton
Cellaring Notes: Develops in the bottle for up to 5 years
World Beer Championships Recognition:
Judging Category: Abbey Dubbel Ale
2011: Gold Medal