Name: Sour Apple Saison
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewery: Epic Brewing Co website
Country: USA
Region: Salt Lake City, Utah
ABV: 7.8% abv
How served: 22 oz capped bottle poured into a 3 Fonteinen glass.
I paired this beer with: Ravens vs Patriots AFC Championship Game & Snyder’’s Pretzels
Tasted on: Sunday January 22, 2012
The beer poured a light & cloudy straw color with a large 3 finger billowing head with medium to large sized bubbles. The beer left a nice lacing on the glass.
The nose was of faint sour apples and some earthy undertones.
The taste started off with mildly sour green apples and yeasty. Midway through I picked up some of the cloves and coriander. It finished crisp and dry
The body was light to medium body with the feel of champagne from all the carbonation.
The drinkability was very good and this would be a good substitute for champagne at brunch time.
Overall I rated this beer as Good, But I was torn between Good & Very Good and in the end I gave it a “Good” as it was more one dimensional. However YOU might think otherwise, so if you can Try it Yourself because it might end up being Very…..!!!
On the Label: Exponential Series. Bottled Conditioned. Release #6
You are holding something special – one of only 1,800 bottles released and numbers. Intrigued? Visit www.epicbrewing.com to explore this limited brew’s precise details.
From their website: Sour-Apple Saison
Sweet, yet dry and tart, apples spiced with coriander, grains of paradise, anise, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger. There is no wrong way to enjoy this Saison Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale!
Sour Apple Saison-Style Ale Release #6 Brewed on June 6, 2011. Packaged July 7, 2011.
This is a gorgeous saison, it has a nice mild sourness with a slight kick of apple and cinnamon. It has a very dry finish from the classic Saison yeast that gives it a little earthy, peppery and spiciness.
The Malts
Weyermann Pilsner is the base malt on this beer followed by Briess Flaked Oats and Muntons Wheat Malt.
The Hops/Spices
Saaz, Tettnang, ground Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Anise Seed, Grains of Paradise, and Coriander.
ABV 7.8%