Name: Old Humbug
Style: Winter Warmer
Brewery: Southern Oregon Brewing Company website
Country: USA
Region: Medford, Oregon
ABV: 8.20%
How served: 22 oz capped bottle poured into a Rochefort chalice.
I paired this beer with: An assortment of hard cheeses and sausage.
Tasted on: Monday November 30, 2009
Note: I’m glad I had a chance to try this beer. The 1st few sips tasted like I was drinking a barleywine instead of a winter warmer. Maybe that was due to the 8.20% ABV. Anyway, if you ever find this beer give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.
This is the 5th of my daily Christmas/Winter beers which I will be having until Christmas. There are now only 24 more beers until Christmas!
From their website: “Old Humbug II (will return next October) This year’s holiday seasonal is a more traditional winter warmer and will be released in late October. If you recall, last year’s Old Humbug was a Strong Lager with a subtle star anise infusion. This year, Anders has created a very tasty, traditional British style winter warmer, utilizing an ale yeast strain instead of our usual house lager strain. Although this is a stylistic departure from our usual creations, you will not be disappointed. With generous amount of Castle Special B malted barley, which lends a hint of dark molasses flavor, and Challenger, Glacier, Newport and US Golding hop additions balancing the robust yet smooth malt profile, Old Humbug II comes in with a 8.2% Alcohol by volume (ABV) which will keep your tummy warm on those cold winter nights that are just around the corner. Limited quantities of this hand crafted gem are available For those of you who can’t make it to the Tap Room, Old Humbug II has found its way into select local and Portland area accounts but its disappearing quickly.”