Name: Tannen Bomb
Style: Winter Warmer
Brewery: Golden Valley Brewery & Pub website.
Country: USA
Region: McMinnville, Oregon
ABV: 8.0% Abv
How served: 12oz capped bomber poured into a Stone IPA glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Snyder’s sourdough hard pretzels.
Tasted on: Saturday October 2nd, 2010
Note: This beer poured a deep amber with a finger and a half tan head which thinned quickly leaving almost no lacing in the glass. The nose was sweet with malt and caramel and a hint of spicy hops. The taste was sweet with caramel and malt notes and finished with some hop bitterness. The mouthfeel was of a medium body with some sharpness in the feel at the end The drinkability was good as it had a mildly pleasant alcohol warmth which makes this a very good winter warmer. This beer really improved as it warmed up in the glass.
On the Label: Golden Valley’s Tannen Bomb is our bold ale with a massive malt complex. Brewed especially to take the chill off the cold winter months.
From their website: Massie complex beer brewed especially to bring warmth and cheer to the cold wet winter months of the great Northwest. Our famous award-winning traditional style bold winter warmer, rated #3 “Winter Warmer” nationally. TANNENBOMB O.G. 1.090, I.B.U. 40, A.B.V. 8.8, 125 pounds of malt per barrel! Available Oct to January.
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