It’s been a while since I’ve posted to my beer blog. Sorry, but I’ve been out of the county for a while and had very limited internet access. However the county I was in was Belgium, which had no shortage of great beer. I will update my Belgian adventure in a future post so stay tuned!

Name: Guava Grove
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewery: Cigar City Brewing. website
Country: USA
Region: Tampa Bay, Florida
ABV: 8.0% Abv
How served: 750 ml capped bottle poured into a Cigar City snifter.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: a potato knish.
Tasted on: Sunday November 7th, 2010
Note: This beer poured a hazy light amber color with a thin white head leaving a thin lacing in the glass. The nose a bit tart with some fruity sweetness, with the guava being the dominate odor. The taste starts off mildly tart then balances itself with the sweetness of tropical fruits. The mouthfeel was of a medium body with a syrupy feel and low carbonation. The drinkability was good despite this being in the high end of abv for the style.
On the Label: Guava Grove is a Belgian-style ale that sees a secondary fermentation and extended aging on one of Tampa’s favored fruits, Guava. The complex flavors imparted by both the Belgian yeast strains and the Guava are unlike anything you are likely to encounter in other beers. The flavor is a complex weave of banana, guava, and tropical fruit with hints of clove. This elegant beer pairs well with fresh fish, mussels, fresh tropical fruits, and earthy cheeses. It also makes a fine accompaniment to Guavaween festivities. Bottle Conditioned, Pour Gently. Label Design by Matt Callahan
From their website: A Belgian-style Saison which sees a secondary fermentation on Guava. 8%ABV June/July release. Guava Grove Pairings: Spring Mix Salad with Gorgonzola, caramelized pecans and citrus vinaigrette, Tandoori Chicken or Lamb, Honey Glazed Roasted Duck, Cuban style Guava Danish, Paella and Sharp Risotto
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