Name: Beer Valley Black Flag Imperial Stout (2009 Fresh Hop Harvest Edition)
Style: Imperial Stout
Brewery: Beer Valley Brewing Co. website
Country: USA
Region: Ontario, Oregon
ABV: 11.0% Abv
How served: 22oz capped bomber poured into a Piraat tulip.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Lasagna with a hot red pepper sauce.
Tasted on: Monday November 15th, 2010
Note: This is a version of the “regular” Black Flag which is “hopped-up” with 200 pounds of fresh hops and is brewed once a year.

This beer poured a dark brown with a tan 2 finger head which left a minimal lacing on the glass. The nose had hints of chocolate, roasted coffee and a mild hop aroma. The taste was like the smell; it started off with mild chocolate and coffee notes, some mild sweetness from the malts then finished dry and mildly hoppy. The mouthfeel was a medium body with a nice texture. The drinkability was very good, as this was a well balanced imperial stout with the 11.0%abv not easily detected. I last had this beer in May 2010 and since it was fresher the hops had much more of a presence, however I like it much better today, with the hops slightly muted, as it lets the full imperial stout flavor come through.
On the Label: Bottle conditioned. 2009 Fresh Hop Edition.
From their website: Black Flag Imperial Stout, the first beer released by Beer Valley Brewing, is a monstrously huge beer brewed for beer enthusiasts who want to test the edge of sensory perception. Brewed with 8 different malts and 4 different hop varieties to give it depth and complexity, Black Flag Imperial Stout delivers an extreme beer drinking experience like no other beer on the planet.
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