The Beer I forgot I had in My Refrigerator & I’m Sure Glad I found It!

Name: Popering Hommel Bier
Style: Belgium IPA
Brewery: Brouwerij Van Eecke N.V. website
Country: Belgium
Region: Watou
ABV: 7.5% Abv
How served: 750 ml corked & caged bottle poured into a Maredsous glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Grilled tilapia topped with a lemon zest and spicy olive oil.
Tasted on: Wednesday January 12th, 2011
Note: This beer poured a hazy straw color with a fluffy 2 finger off white head which left a thick lacing on the glass. The nose was of sweet citrus, leaning towards orange. The taste starts off slightly sweet but ends up dry. In-between you pick up some spices and orange/lemon zest. In this beer you have what might be a Belgian tripel turned hoppy. The mouthfeel had a medium creaminess with a good carbonation level which tickled your tongue. The drinkability was very good and refreshing with no hint of the 7.5%abv hidden in this beer. This is a top notch Belgian IPA. This beer improved greatly as it warmed up & I like the way the yeast improved on the flavor in the last pour from the bottle.
From their website: Poperings Hommelbier
Despite the high quality of the abbey beer Het Kapittel, the favourite of the brewery remains POPERINGS HOMMELBIER.
In the area of Poperinge, which is a little town in the west of Belgium, harvesting hops is a main industry and art. In the local dialect hommel means hop and therefore we have used the dialect to give our product a name: Poperings hommelbier. In order to brew this beer, we use a blend of 3 types of hops. In addition, the presence of hops in the beer are strong, enhancing its flavour and refreshing, slightly bitter taste. Hommelbier is a beer with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Therefore, a layer of ferment is still present at the bottom of the bottle. This beer has a unique distinction of being a completely natural beer. In order to stir the layer of ferment, the beer is gently served in a glass, preferably at a temperature between 6°and8°C. We suggest keeping the bottles upright. Before serving the beer, bottles should be stored in a cool place, until they have reached the desired temperature.
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