Name: Philadelphia Pale Ale
Style: American Pale Ale
Brewery: Yards Brewing Co. website
Country: USA
Region: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ABV: 4.6% Abv
How served: 12 oz. capped bottle poured into a Samuel Adams perfect pint glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Shake n’ Bake chicken. Great pairing!
Tasted on: Thursday January 13th, 2011
Note: This beer poured a clear golden color with a white finger head leaving a nice lacing on the glass. The nose was very nice and strong with floral and sweet fruity notes. The taste starts off mildly sweet from the malts and you then pick up the nice citrus flavors and a mild bitterness from the hops near the end. The mouthfeel was thin, but still a little creamy with a medium carbonation level. The drinkability was very good, so good I will be adding this beer to my great session beer list. This is a great transition beer to get your friends into craft beer.
On the Label: When we first got into brewing, it was just to make beer for ourselves. Friends liked it, so we made more. As our circle of friends has grown, so has our line of handcrafted ales. We’re proud of each and every one we brew. We hope you and your friends enjoy them as much as we do.
From their website: Not to be boastful, but we honestly believe that all other ales pale in comparison to this one. Brewed with pilsner malt, Philadelphia Pale Ale is crisp and hoppy, bursting with citrus flavors and aromas.
Philadelphia Pale Ale was named one of the best Pale Ales in the country by the New York Times.
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