Name: Tripel Perfection
Style: Tripel
Brewery: Brewery Ommegang website
Country: USA
Region: Cooperstown, New York
ABV: 8.9% Abv
How served: 750 ml corked and capped bottle poured into an Ommegang glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: 4 cheese pizza topped with anchovies, sun dried tomatoes and black olives. Very good pairing!
Tasted on: Friday January 21th, 2011
Note: This beer poured a slightly hazy light golden color with a very small 1 finger white head which thinned fairly quickly leaving no lacing on the glass. The nose was sweet with notes of banana, coriander and yeast. The taste is full of spices, coriander Belgian yeast and fruits like banana and apples, it’s initially sweet of honey then ends dry with a mild bitterness. The mouthfeel was pleasant with a nice level of carbonation. The drinkability was very good with the 8.9% abv not to noticeable.
This did not make my top 10 Tripel list, but I will look to have this one again.
On the Label: Bottled on 03/15/10 Best by 03/2013.
Order your glassware at ommegang.com
The tripel is among the most popular of Belgian ales. Brewed with simple ingredients and fierce attention to detail, there is little room for error – but lots of opportunity. Perfection isn’t easily achieved – but once achieved it is always memorable.
And remember:
“One can not adequately explain perfection. One can only enjoy it.” ANON
Pour slowly so as to not disturb the yeast sediment, but with enough vigor to create a luxurious head and release the rich bouquet.
Brewery Ommegang is 3,264 miles from Brussels, but its heart is right in Belgium. It was created out of our devotion to unique ales brewed by country where brewing is an art and partaking is a passion.
Part of the DUVEL family of fine ales.
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