Name: Cuvée des Fleurs
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewery: Southampton Publick House website
Country: USA
Region: Southampton, New York
ABV: 8.2%% abv
How served: 750ml caged and corked bottle poured into Ommegang glass.
I paired this beer with: Salmon filets with fennel and leeks wrapped with foil and then placed on the grill to be steamed in its own juices. Yummy!!!!
Tasted on: Thursday July 21, 2011
Notes: This beer pours a hazy yellowish gold with a fluffy almost 3 finger white head which lingered until I was about halfway done with my glass leaving a sticky lacing on my glass.
The nose was like whiffing a flowery perfume with some sweet citrus and bubblegum.
The taste starts off slightly sweet and like you’re drinking a bouquet of flowers. A very nice bouquet of flowers that is. I also picked up some citrus and honey. Near the finish this beer ending on a dry note.
This beer had a medium to light body with a low to medium carbonation level.
The drinkability was good, but just a little bit too sweet for my idea of a perfect saison. The 8.2% abv was undetectable.
On the Label: 97678 by 6/12 14. Ale Brewed With Flowers and Rose Water.
Cuvée des Fleurs is a unique brew of our own imagination. We flavor this distinguished ale with a variety of flowers, including L. augustifolia, A. nobilis, C. officinalis and a generous amount of H. lupus.
From their website: Cuvèe des Fleurs roughly translates to “batch of the flowers”. This most distinctive ale is flavored with a variety of edible flowers. Aromatic and medicinal flowers such as Lavender, Chamomile, Calendula, Rose Hips and Hops (they’re flowers too!) are added to this special brew to impart a distinct aroma and flavor.