Name: Reinaert Flemish Wild Ale
Style: Belgian Strong Pale Ale
Brewery: De Proefbrouwerij (bvba Andelot) website
Country: Belgium
Region: Lochristi-Hijifte
ABV: 9.0% abv
How served: 750ml caged and corked bottle poured into a Maredsous glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Pasta with a sausage based tomato sauce. Nice Match.
Tasted on: Friday July 22, 2011
Notes: This beer pours a semi clear gold with a 1 finger white head which dissipated slowly leaving a thin and small lacing on my glass.
The nose was rock candy sweet, fruity and musty.
The taste was like the nose and started off rock candy sweet and a little bit fruity, then mid way through I picked up some spices and a touch of bitterness to balance off the initial sweetness. Near the finish there was a very mild musty and wet grass flavor with no hint of the 9.0% abv and a dry finish.
This beer had a medium body with an active carbonation level.
The drinkability was good and this was a refreshing brew. As long as you don’t let the name Flemish Wild Ale deceive you into expecting a very funky or sour brew you will not be disappointed and will really enjoy this beer. Worthy of finding a bottle to try it.
On the Label: Brewmaster’s Collection Special Reserve. The Legendary Cunning Fox. Bottle Conditioned. Triple Fermented using two yeast strains. Saccharomyces + Brettanomyces
From their website: Nothing there!