Name: Fallen Friar
Style: Tripel
Brewery: BridgePort Brewing Co. website
Country: USA
Region: Portland ,Oregon
ABV: 8.2% abv
How served: 22oz white foil & capped bottle poured into my St. Idesbald chalice.
I paired this beer with: Habanero pepper infused grilled boneless chicken. Huge amount of spicy heat out of this meal, which was cooled down nicely by this fantastic brew.
Tasted on: Wednesday August 10, 2011
Notes: This beer was brewed only once and was released in February 2009.
This beer pours a semi hazed light orange with a thin 1 finger head which dissipated rather quickly leaving a very small and thin lacing on my glass.
The nose was a mix of funeral flowers, grass, citrus and yeasty bread.
The taste is on the lighter side for a Belgian style tripel with muted spices and up front sweetness from apples and pears along with a mild bitterness near the end and maybe just a hint of the oak.
This beer had a medium body with a low level of carbonation for a tripel.
The drinkability was very good overall and matched up very well with the super spicy chicken I had.
On the Label: Bridgeport Big Brews. Ale with 35% Aged in Oak Wine Barrels.
From their website: Nothing on their site on this retired brew!