Name: Resurrection Ale
Style: Dubbel
Brewery: The Brewer’s Art website
Country: USA
Region: Baltimore, Maryland
ABV: 7.0% abv
How served: 750ml caged and cork bottle poured into a Grottenbier chalice.
I paired this beer with: My old stand by—Lemon chicken in a bag from Pubix!
Tasted on: Thursday January 12, 2012
The beer poured a reddish brown with a 1 finger tan head leaving a fine lacing on the glass.
The nose of this beer was mildly sweet with caramel, candi sugar and Christmas spices, as well as fried dark fruits.
The taste started with strong candi sugar, caramel and spices like you would find in a Belgian Christmas beer. Midway through I picked up some notes of dark dried fruits and crust from bread. All of this without being overly sweet.
The body was of a medium body with mild to moderate carbonation, with a mild warmth from the alcohol.
The drinkability was very good and overall it was one of the better “American” examples of a Belgian dubbel, however I have had many a Belgian dubbel I would much rather have.
On the Label: A portion of the proceeds from the sales of this beer will go to local programs that help people get back on their feet.
Brewed and bottled: Royersford, Pennsylvania.
Best by 07/02/11
From their website: Resurrection:
During the fermentation of the first batch of this Abbey-style ale, the yeast «died» and was
«resurrected» by brewer Chris Cashell. Made with five types of barley malt and lots of sugar, this beer is quite flavorful, without being too sweet. 7%abv