Name: Art of Darkness
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: Brewery Ommegang website
Country: USA
Region: Cooperstown, New York
ABV: 8.9% abv
How served: 750ml corked and caged poured into a Ommegang glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Rotisserie, not baseball but… chicken with a side of chick bean salad. Not bad, but then again not many beers wouldn’t pair well with this meal.
Tasted on: Tuesday June 05, 2012
Notes: This is a limited and brewed only once beer.
This beer poured an extremely dark brown/black with an impressive 3 finger light brown head which dissipated slowly and left a very nice thick lacing on my glass.
The nose was light but full of dark fruits like plum and raisin with hints of dark chocolate and of the Belgian yeast.
The taste of this brew starts off on the sweet side with dark fruit flavors like prunes, raisins and dates and a nice hint of candi sugar and dark chocolate. By mid palate the sweetness mellows out and you get some warmth from the alcohol and it ends more on a nice dry note.
The body was light to medium with a creamy feel with a lively carbonation level which tickles the tongue.
The drinkability was very good especially since the body was light to medium.
Overall this brew could have benefited from a little more body, otherwise it is very good.
On the Label: Art of Darkness unites barley and wheat malts, and flaked oats, Ommegang yeast, and noble hops in a bewitching demonstration of the brewing arts. Yet there are no secret ingredients nor mystical incantations. There is only the highest realization of the art of brewing a dark Belgian-style ale of extraordinary flavor, aroma, and balance. This ale walks the line between being savored now, and being cellared to relish later. As discerning patron of the dark arts, you can make your own choice.
Pour slowly so as to not disturb the yeast sediment, but with enough vigor to create a luxurious head and release the rich bouquet. Brewery Ommegang is 3, 624 miles from Brussels, but its heart is right in Belgium. It was created out of our devotion to the unique ales brewed by then country where brewing is an art and partaking is a passion. Part of the Duvel family of fine ales. Serve at 50° F/ 10° C
From their website: Let us now acknowledge the dark arts of brewing. Our limited edition Art of Darkness Ale is deep, dark and magical, with champagne-like carbonation and rich maltiness from a complex recipe of multiple barley and wheat malts, as well as flaked oats.
Using no spices or flavorings, Art of Darkness gains all its rich aromas, tastes, and apparent spiciness from the malts and Ommegang’s proprietary house yeast.
There are no secret ingredients or magical incantation. There is only Ommegang brewers’ creating the finest quality dark, strong ale of complex and deep character.
Art of Darkness is a fine ale to enjoy immediately, and is excellent to cellar.
8.9% ABV
Available for a limited time in 750 ml bottles and 1/6 BBL keg starting in April 2012