Name: Dalva
Style: Double IPA
Brewery: Brasserie Thiriez website
Country: France
Region: Esquelbecq
ABV: 8.5% abv
How served: 750ml capped bottle poured into a Sierra Nevada 30th anniversary tulip.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: 4 cheese pizza topped with anchovies & spicy green olives.
Tasted on: Tuesday April 30, 2013
Notes: This beer gets its name from the book Dalva written by Jim Harrison.
This is a Bottle conditioned beer which is best consumed by August 2013.
The beer poured a clear golden color with a 3 finger white head which left a mild lacing on the glass.
The nose was of citrus and floral hops along with a mild sweetness and hints of pepper, cloves and yeast.
The taste started off slightly sweet from the malts followed with a mild bitterness from the hops which contained mild notes of citrus, grapefruit and piney resin also in the background was a spicy/peppery taste. The beer finished dry.
This beer had a medium body with a medium level of carbonation and only a mild hint of the alcohol level.
Overall this was a very good and complex brew. Would I have considered it to be a double IPA it I did not know what I was drinking? I would say no, it tasted to me like a very hoppy farmhouse ale/saison. I also regret not drinking this brew fresh, after I purchased it in October 2012, even though the label says best by August 2013.
I am looking forward to trying this beer again when we visit Brasserie Thiriez on our Grand Crus to Farmhouse Brews Beercation Cruise through Belgium & France in October when we will be traveling with our special guest brewer Bob Sylvester of Saint Somewhere Brewing.
On the Label: Cons de préf: 08/2013 lot 306 56 IBU
« Une seule bouteille de bière suffit à engendrer un flot de grandes pensées… » Jim Harrison, DALVA ( loosely translated into English : Only one beer bottle is enough to generate a flood of great thoughts)
India Pale Ale est un style de bière ne en Angleterre au XVIIIème siècle. Destinée a voyager loin et longtemps, cette bière était plus forte, et surtout plus houblonnée pour assurer sa conservation. Plus puissantes et plus aromatiques encore, les « double IPA » font revivre cette tradition. Dalva est l’interprétation personnelle de Daniel Thiriez. (loosely translated into English: India Pale Ale is a beer style in England at the 18th century. Intended to travel far and for a long time, this beer was stronger, and was extra hopped especially to ensure its conservation. More powerful and aromatic still, the “double IPA” revives this tradition. Dalva is the personal interpretation of Daniel Thiriez.
From their website:
La dalva est de couleur ambrée, aux reflets légèrements cuivrés. Une bière puissante qui conjugue les arômes fruités des houblons américains et une amertume agréable et persistance en bouche.
Accords : plats épicés (curry, gingembre)