Name: Buffalo Bitter
Style: Belgian IPA
Brewery: Brouwerij Van den Bossche website
Country: Belgium
Region: Sint-Lievens-Esse, Belgium
ABV: 8.0% abv
How served: 750 ml caged and corked bottle poured into a Bon Secours Bière Vivante tulip.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: My famous spiced grilled salmon.
Tasted on: Monday July 08, 2013
This beer poured a hazy golden color with a huge 3+ finger white fluffy head which left a sticky lacing on my glass.
The nose had notes of grassy and floral hops along with light lemon, cloves and some spiciness.
The taste followed the nose with a touch of sweet candi sugar, mild cloves and pepper upfront then by mid palate I got some light lemon zest mixed in with grassy/herbal notes that ended mildly bitter and bone dry.
This beer has a medium body with a lively carbonation level.
Overall this was a very drinkable and very well hidden 8% abv. This brew tasted much better that when I had it in the past and would look to buy this again.
On the Label:
Best before 13/06/14 otherwise nothing of importance on the label.
From their website:
No Information on-line about this beer from their website.