Name: Scaldis Noël
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: Brasserie Dubuisson Frères sprl website
Country: Belgium
Region: Leuze-Pipaix
ABV: 12.0%
How served: 250ml foiled & capped bottle poured into a Bush chalice.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: nothing.
Tasted on: Saturday December 05, 2009
Note: This is a great sipping beer & like most Belgian Strong Dark Ales, it improves as it warms up in the glass.
The trademark BUSH has only been registered in a few European countries as in the forties, nobody at the Brewery Dubuisson had imagined this BUSH beer would be sold worldwide.
Afterwards, the Brewery Dubuisson has not been allowed to register the BUSH name in several countries. As a result, our BUSH beer is exported in all other countries under the name of SCALDIS.
Translated from the website from French to English:
La Bush de Noël est née en 1991 pour répondre au souhait des consommateurs à la
recherche d’une bière chaleureuse pour les fêtes de fin d’année
The Bush Christmas was born in 1991 in response to the desire of consumers to looking for a warm beer for the holiday season.
Produite exclusivement à partir de malt, de houblon, de sucre candi et d’eau, la Bush de Noël est une bière de haute fermentation, filtrée et titrant 12% de volume alcool.
Produced exclusively from malt, hops, candy sugar and water, Bush is a Christmas beer of high fermentation, filtered and containing 12% alcohol by volume.
L’utilisation importante de malt caramel lui offre une robe rouge cuivrée ainsi qu’une rondeur exceptionnelle.
The extensive use of caramel malt gives it a coppery red dress and a round exceptional.
Un houblonnage particulièrement étudié confère à la Bush de Noël une saveur consistante, fruitée et à l’arôme délicatement houblonné.
A special study hopping gives the Bush Christmas consistent flavor, fruity aroma and delicately hopped.
Brassée en quantité limitée, la Bush de Noël est une référence incontournable dans les bières de fin d’année.
Brewed in limited quantities, the Bush Christmas is a reference in the beer season.
This is the 10th of my daily Christmas/Winter beers which I will be having until Christmas. There are now only 19 more beers until Christmas!