Beer #58 Ølfabrikken Winter Porter

Ølfabrikken Winter Porter


 Ølfabrikken Winter Porter

Style:   Baltic Porter

Brewery: Ølfabrikken website

Country: Denmark

Region:  Roskilde

ABV: 11.00%

How served: 750ml Corked & caged bottle poured into a Delirium Tremens glass.     

My Overall Opinion: Very Good.  

I paired this beer with: A Cuban sandwich made with pork and ham smoked in the back yard.

Tasted on: Sunday December 20, 2009.

Note:  This was a very pleasant surprise. This was a thick and chewy beer which paired great with this smoked Cuban sandwich. 

From their website: Bottom fermented porter made with Danish honey and matured for four months before bottling.

 This is the 25th of my daily Christmas beer, on my quest for a Christmas beer a day from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  There are now only 4 more beers until Christmas!