Name: Corsendonk Christmas Ale
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: Brouwerij Corsendonk website
Country: Belgium
Region: Oud-Turnhout
ABV: 8.50%
How served: 750ml corked and caged bottle poured into a Liefmans chalice.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Grilled Sea Scallops and couscous.
Tasted on: Tuesday December 22, 2009.
Note: This tasted more like a Belgian Strong Dark Ale then a Christmas Ale, as the coriander was well hidden, with only a hint of spice in the aftertaste. This was a very enjoyable beer, if you don’t like spices in a beer, well then this is the Christmas beer for you!!
From their website: Corsendork Christmas Ale is brewed every year during the holiday season and is available from November until the end of February.
For this reddish brown Christmas beer, the Corsendonk brewer uses roasted malts, the finest hops and selected yeasts, spiced up with a touch of coriander. With its delicate malty nose, Corsendork Christmas Ale has everything what only the very best Christmas beer could possibly offer: a round, balanced taste with a dry and refined aftertaste.
This is the 27th of my daily Christmas beer, on my quest for a Christmas beer a day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. There are now only 2more beers until Christmas!