Name: 10 Commandments
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: The Lost Abbey website
Country: USA
Region: San Marcos, California
ABV: 10.00% Abv
How served: 750ml corked and caged bottle poured into a St. Bernardus chalice.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Bow-tie pasta, with tomato sauce which had baby spinach and rosemary added.
Tasted on: Monday February 8, 2010.
Note: This beer started off with a bang for me. The raisin and rosemary taste was very apparent. What I enjoyed most was the “smoked” flavors I picked up. As I was drinking this beer I was thinking how great this beer would be to cook with. When I 1st poured this beer it was at 49° and I thought it was an amazing brew. However as this beer warmed up, contrary to most Belgian Strong Dark Ales I’ve had in the past, didn’t improve but started to go downhill rapidly, therefore I gave it a the very good rating instead of amazing.
On the Label: Ale brewed with Honey, Raisins & Rosemary.
10 Commandments:
The most imaginative beers are our crusade.
We believe we are all in this together.
We strive for honesty and integrity in our lives like you.
Fresh beer is great. Aged beer is better.
Now that you have found us, help us spread the message.
There is good and evil in the world. Our beers are good.
Passion isn’t something you can buy at the corner store.
We believe an inspired life is worth living.
Life is about choices. The Lost Abbey is a great choice.
We are not perfect, but no one is.
From their website: A stronger version of our Lost and Found Abbey Ale brewed to a more contemplative alcohol content. Massive in every stretch of the brewing way possible this is the sort of beer that will remind a beer drinker who considers themselves a saint that even saints stray as sinners from time to time.
Not for the faint of heart, this beer weighs in at a heavenly 9% ABV and is available in 750 ml bottles and on draft at select locations.
ABV: 9% (note, on the label of my bottle the abv is listed as 10%)
Availability: Late Spring Release
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