Name: Nöel Baladin
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Brewery: Birrificio Le Baladin website
Country: Italy
Region: Piozzo
ABV: 9.0%
How served: 750 ml capped bottle poured into a Triple Petrus glass.
I paired this beer with: Tilapia & potato latkes
Tasted on: Wednesday December 16, 2009.
Note: This beer was actually very good, but I gave it a good as it didn’t taste like a “Christmas beer” nor a “winter” style beer. This would be a great summer beer to have sitting in the hot sun. This brew was not as tart as some of the other brews I have had from Birrificio Le Baladin, & their Nöel tasted more like a saison then Belgian strong dark ale.
From their website: Sconvolgente all’impatto per profumi e sapori. E’ spettacolare nella sua esaltante festosità. L’esotismo delle note tostate di cacao, caffè e di varie spezie evocano l’estrosità di una musica dodecafonica. E, nel gruppo delle Baladin oro, può con decisione e protagonismo, reggere una peccaminosa convivenza con piatti supponenti ed esigenti a livello di brasati e cacciagione da pelo.
Nöel translated from Italian: (but doesn’t realy translate well): Overwhelming impact of perfumes and flavors. Spectacular in its exhilarating sense of celebration. The exoticism of the notes of roasted cocoa, coffee and various spices evoking the flair of a twelve-tone music. And, in the group of Baladin gold, can decisively and leading role, carrying a sinful cohabitation with dishes opinionated and demanding in terms of stews and venison from hair.
This is the 21th of my daily Christmas beer, on my quest for a Christmas beer a day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. There are now only 8 more beers until Christmas!