Name: Shipwrecked
Style: Imperial IPA
Brewery: Mission Brewery. Website
Country: USA
Region: Chula Vista, California
ABV: 9.25% abv
How served: 22 oz capped bottle poured into a Bruery tulip glass.
I paired this beer with: Grilled Knockwurst and sauerkraut. Nice pairing.
Tasted on: Wednesday June 1, 2011
Notes: The beer poured a hazy amber with a huge off white fluffy 3 finger head which left a nice sticky lacing on the glass.
The nose was light and pleasant with hints of grapefruit and other citrus fruits leaning to the sweet side.
The taste started off with sweetness from the malts and then quickly switched to bitterness of grapefruit rinds and ended very dry with a not so pleasant lingering aftertaste.
It had a nice medium mouthfeel with a nice pleasant carbonation level.
The drinkability was only OK due to the aftertaste which was very dry and bitter, but in a peculiar way. The alcohol level of 9.25% was very nicely hidden and added a pleasant warmth to this brew.
There are too many very good double IPA in the market that I would much rather drink, so this brew will not get a second chance from me.
On the Label: Double India Pale Ale. A style of beer curiously born on the foggy shores of Father Junipero Serra’s first founding mission. Our own vigorous entry is one rebellious IPA, quick on the trigger, and brimming with a bounty of hop ingenuity. This is a big, bold, brazen beer, a restless vision or a new America.
From their website:
Mission Shipwrecked Double I.P.A.
San Diego Style Double India Pale Ale
A amazingly balanced and hoppy beer, yet finishes as smooth as silk with no hint of high alcohol hotness usually associated with strong double IPA’s. Super citrus and grapefruit aromas and flavors from the generous use of Cascade, Magnum, Centennial and CTZ hops.
9.25% ABV, 75 IBU