Name: Nelson
Style: I.P.A.
Brewery: Alpine Beer Company website
Country: USA
Region: Alpine, California
ABV: 7.10% Abv
How served: 22 oz bomber poured into a Funky Buddha Lounge & Brewery pint glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: Shrimp grilled with a spicy “chicken wing” marinade then sprinkled with a “secret” spicy seasoning salt. Yummy!! I would do this pairing again.
Tasted on: Monday June 14th, 2010.
Note: As soon as you open up this bottle you get a whiff of citrus which keeps improving as it is poured into the glass. As you taste this IPA you get a nice mildly bitter grapefruit taste followed by some mild sweetness from the rye which really balances this brew. The Mouthfeel is light with mild carbonation, and the drinkability was exceptional. This is a great everyday brew, especially on hot Florida days/nights and for pairing with spicy foods. If you are looking for something with a bit more of a hop kick you should try out Alpines “other” hoppy brews, such as Double (Imperial) I.P.A Pure Hoppiness http://wp.me/pEFaj-al or if you dare their Triple IPA Exponential Hoppiness http://wp.me/pEFaj-ai.
On the Label: This golden IPA has the addition of rye to enhance the flavor profile and gives it that “something special.’ We use Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand, prized for their white wine, fruity flavor. The scent of fresh grapefruit greets you each time you lift your glass. DRNK ALPINE ALE or GO TO BED!
On their Website: Seasonal Beers- beers we brew as often as we can, but not all the time.
A Golden Rye IPA
An outstanding hop from New Zealand, Nelson Sauvin, is generously used throughout the brewing and dry-hopping of this unique beer. European rye is added for a smooth, malty addition to flavor. 1.065 OG 7%ABV