Name: 75 Minute IPA
Style: I.P.A.
Brewery: Dogfish Head Brewery website
Region: Milton, Delaware
ABV: 7.5% abv
How served: 750ml capped bottle poured into a Dogfish Head snifter.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good
I paired this beer with: Hot chicken wings grilled with the “extra hot” sauce for dipping.
Tasted on: Wednesday February 27, 2013
Notes: A bottle conditioned India Pale Ale with Maple Syrup.
This beer poured a hazy golden amber color with a 2 finger off white head which left a thin lacing on the glass.
The nose was very pleasant with strong piney & citrus notes upfront with some mild caramel sweetness poking through.
The taste kicks off with a very pleasant yet intense grapefruit and piney notes which then transitions to sweeter tropical fruits and a mild caramel/ bready sweetness to balance this beer out, which kept the bitterness level from going over the top I only picked up a hint of the maple syrup. There was some mild warmth in the finish from the alcohol and this beer ended on the dry side.
This beer had a medium slick body and excellent carbonation level.
Overall the drinkability was fantastic and paired very well with my “extra” hot sauce as the hops helped intensify the heat I love, yet there was enough balance with the malts & maple syrup to “cool” things down. I’m looking forward to having this beer again as I’m now a fan of this brew!
On the Label: There are some situations when 90 is too much. There are other situations when 60 is too little. There are many situations when 75 is juuust riiight. Bottle-conditioned with pure maple syrup for complexity and dry-hopped out the bejeezum boards.
From their website: Availability: Limited
Blend two Dogfish Head favorites, add maple syrup and carbonate the mixture naturally. What do you get? 75 Minute IPA.
The carbon dioxide trapped during bottle conditioning gives 75 Minute IPA a soft and velvety mouthfeel. Dry-hopped with whole-leaf Cascades, this complex IPA has been known to inspire pilgrimages to our brewpub.
Now we’re sharing this animated blend of 60 Minute and 90 Minute with the rest of our fans, 750 milliliters at a time.
We currently send this beer (when available) to our wholesale partners in the following states: AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, VA, VT, WA
To find where our wholesalers have delivered this beer in the past 60 days, check out the Fish Finder (you can search by beer and by zip). As a reminder, it is always best to call and confirm a retailer still has the beer before making any treks!
Original Release Date: 01/2012
Food Pairing Recommendations: Burgers, grilled meats, avocado.
Glassware Recommendation: IPA glass
Wine Comparable: Chardonnay