Name: High Tide Fresh Hop IPA
Style: IPA
Brewery: Port Brewing Company website
Country: USA
Region: San Marcos, California
ABV: 6.5% Abv
How served: 22oz capped bottle poured into a Hennepin glass.
My Overall Opinion: Very Good.
I paired this beer with: 2nd half of the Super Bowl game
Tasted on: Sunday February 7, 2010.
Note: Great quality IPA & great example of what an IPA should taste like. Go get some & try it, I’ll bet you’ll like it.
From their website: High Tide Fresh Hop IPA (Port Brewing Fall Seasonal)
Each and every fall, we experience a coastal experience in San Diego known as the “Super High Tide.” This happens later in the Fall Season when the tidal swings reach a range of about 8 feet in difference between low and high tides. When this happens, there are days when the tide just gets too high and flattens out the surf. The lineups shut down and surfers are left to wait until the High Tide recedes.
While waiting for the tides to shift in your favor, might we suggest a High Tide IPA? Brewed only once each year to coincide with the Hop Harvest in Yakima Washington, High Tide IPA is made with 180 lbs of Fresh Hops per batch that are plucked from the vines and sent straight to our brewery. We skip the whole drying and processing stage which means the hops are ultra fresh and full of flavors we can’t normally get. Like grapes, Hops are only harvested one time each year and as such, we make what we can when we get them.
The recipe is very simple and basic with an emphasis on the variety of hops we select each year. Lately, we have selected Centennial and Chinook hops for our High Tide IPA. We used Centennial at the end of the boil and Chinook for the Dry Hopping. Now that we have brewed High Tide, we will sit and wait for the ultra High Tides of Fall to arrive knowing full well that we have sufficient stocks of great beer to get us through the flattest of sessions. We hope you’ll stock up too.
Malts- Two Row
Kettle Hops- Amarillo Pellets
Whirlpool- Centennial Fresh Hops
Dry Hop- Chinook Fresh Hops
Yeast- White Labs– Port Brewing Proprietary Yeast Strains
Original Gravity- 1.062
Terminal Gravity- 1.012
6.50 % ABV
Draft- Available in Southern California and Arizona 22 Oz Bottles and Cases- At Port Brewing San Marcos and Pizza Port Carlsbad, San Clemente and Solana Beach and wherever better beers are sold.
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