I really enjoyed the tour. I was very impressed about the preparation for the tour by Mike and Ruth. I have been on trips in which breweries or restaurants were surprised to see us when we showed up. That is not a good thing but never happened with Ruth & Mike. Mike “straight shot” Arra knows the cities very well and can point you in the right direction to get a great beer experience & more than likely he will join you. I was truly impressed with Bosteels and De Dolle. I was pleasantly surprised with the welcome that they gave us and the access they gave us to their brewery and livelihood. Standing alongside the brewery workers at Bosteels was very rare especially since we were in Belgium. I stood next to them as they added hops to Triple Karmeliet. I have never seen that before in any brewery. Having the opportunity to buy Westvleteren #12 was rare as well & let’s not forget that we attended a prayer service with the monks at Westvleteren. That was an experience for me forsure!